The Murakosi originated around the area
of the river Mura in Southern Hungary and continues to be bred there
today, as well as in Poland and the countries that formerly belonged
to Yugoslavia. The breed developed as a result of crossing
native Hungarian and Polish mares with Percheron, Ardennes, and
Noriker stallions. A considerable amount of Arabian blood was introduced
to the breed at the beginning of the 20th century, and although
the Murakosi is technically called a coldblood, they do have quality
from their Eastern influence, which is not seen in the majority
of coldbloods. This combination has produced a useful, quality draft
horse that is extremely strong and fast fro a heavy horse. In the
years between the two World Wars, the Murakosi was extremely popular
in Hungary and was employed extensively in an agricultural capacity.
However, as with many breeds, the Second
World War took a dramatic toll on the numbers of the Murakosi, and,
after the war, new blood had to be introduced to boost the numbers
again. The Ardennes was primarily used, and the Murakosi probably
owes some of its great power and strength to them. The Murakosi
is an economical animal to keep due to its ability to survive on
frugal pickings. It also matures very young and is quite capable
of beginning to work at two years old. They are excellent agricultural
workers and, being generally possessed of a willing and biddable
temperament, are an easy horse to handle. There are two types within
the breed - a more massive built horse and a finer one, that is
suitable for riding as well as draft and farm work.
In appearance, they tend to have a plain
head with a large, kind eye. The neck is short and muscular, being
typical of the draft horse, and is set on powerful shoulders. They
are compact through the body, with a well-sprung rib cage, and with
short, strong legs that are occasionally light in bone when compared
to the size of the horse. The croup tends to be rather loping with
a low-set tail. They generally do not have much feather on the legs,
and are mostly liver chestnut with a flaxen mane and tail. They
stand approximately 16 hh.
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