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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design

Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook (Howell Reference Books)

Horsekeeping on a Small Acreage: Designing and Managing Your Equine Facilities

- Driving Articles -

In the last few years, driving horses for pleasure has swelled to new heights. Horses or ponies are driven singly or in pairs to carts, buggies, or one of many varieties of carriages. Teams of four are put to large  coaches. Most horses adapt well to driving.

Horses are introduced to the harness, which comprises the bridle, long reins, saddle or back pad, and, around the horse's neck or chest, a neck or breast collar to which are attached long straps, called traces, that draw the vehicle. The breeching, which fits around the horse's rump, is an aid in training the horse in stopping and backing. The next step involves putting the horse between the shafts of a training cart. The trainer then walks behind the vehicle, controlling the horse by means of long lines (called ropes). When the horse becomes accustomed to pulling the weight of the vehicle, the trainer gets into the cart and drives the horse from the seat. Proper gaits include the walk, collected trot, and a faster trot. Horses that are to be driven with others are judged to see whether they work better on the left or right side or, in the case of four-in-hand teams, as the "leader" or the "wheel" horses. In race driving, the horses are usually required to pace. This is when the horse moves two legs on one side simultaneously, then brings the two on the other side forward.

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