You'll find that sometimes your horse gets a little
too excited, a little too jumpy and hyper, or even just a bit too
speedy. Half-halts are fantastic for collecting your horse and helping
them to gather up under themselves to carry their bodies better.

Many riders have heard of a half-halt, but don't
know what one is, and some people with raise their eyebrows in question
just at hearing the unfamiliar term. Then there are some riders
that have learned how to do a half-halt, but didn't know that it
had a name. It's pretty easy to do and can be used anytime, in any
horse sport, regardless of discipline. It is merely a movement executed
with the rider's seat, communicating to the horse that something
is about to change, that they're about to be asked to do something
else. Let's say you're used to using just your reins to stop your
horse from the trot or canter. Instead of just using your reins,
use your seat to half-halt a few strides earlier than you want the
walk (or halt), and then apply your usual aids. This will give your
horse a chance to prepare for the transition both mentally and physically,
and it will take less rein pressure to stop your horse. Like
most training procedures, this effect won't happen immediately -
but chance are, it won't take him long to understand the concept.
The first part of this exercise is for the ride.
This can be practiced off the horse, believe it or not! It's going
to sound weird - but I swear, it's true, and it'll help! Practice
contracting and relaxing the muscles in your Gluteus Maximus. Yes,
squeeze your bum! Once you've done this, pretend that you're sitting
in a swing. As the swing goes backwards, imagine what you
need to do with your seat to push the swing forward again. To do
this, your lower back and seat muscles push down on the swing, which
causes you to go forward. You're going to push down in your saddle
exactly the same way - trust me, your horse will feel it and respond!
you're going to practice on your horse. Try it at a walk first -
squeeze your seat, while gently and consistently (don't saw the
reins!) applying rein pressure. If your horse doesn't halt, use
your voice - "whoa" quietly. If the horse stops, reward him with
a scratch, then walk on. Again, half-halt with your seat - make
sure your shoulders are up and back, dropped quietly towards your
hips, and your legs still touching your horse, and ask for the halt
again. It should only take a few times of this before your horse
senses your half-halt and will begin to stop before you even touch
your reins. If you get befuddled, remember sitting on a swing and
pushing it forward. When you feel like you've got the walk/halt/walk/halt
transition down with the half-halt, try it from a trot down to a
walk. As you trot, do a half-halt with your seat, but still keep
your legs on the horse. Gently apply rein pressure again, not pulling
back, but just preventing forward motion. You're effectively creating
a "wall" for the horse to "run into" by not allowing enough rein
to go forward anymore. Remember to use your voice to create a better
transition, and if you need to, go back to that walk/halt transitions
to review and perfect yours and your horse's training. Keep in mind
that your horse is learning along with you, and remember to praise
him when he does the right thing.
The half-halt is probably the most important 'tool'
in Dressage. The rider sits deeper in the saddle and 'stops' his
seat and closes his hands on the reins, momentarily telling the
horse to halt with seat and hands. The horse will take shorter,
more upward steps. But instead of a full halt, the rider again rides
forward and the horse will be more energetic and attentive. The
half-halt is something that you will develop to 'tell' your horse
that something new is going to happen.
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