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- Furioso -

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The Mezohegyes stud farm was founded in 1785 by the Emperor of Austria and the King of Hungary, Joseph II, and quickly gained a reputation as one of the best breeding centers in Europe. The Furioso or Furioso-North Star developed there in the 19th century as a result of crosses between the stud's base stock, which was primarily Nonius mares and two imported English Thoroughbred stallions, Furioso and North Star. Furioso, who was imported in 1841, sired 95 stallions who were instrumental in the progressions of the breed. North Star, who was imported in 1844, came from an illustrious background which included some Norfolk Roadster blood. He was the grandson of Touchstone, winner of the 1834 St. Leger, and twice winner of the Ascot Gold Cup. On his mother's side, there were connections to Waxy, winner to the 1793 Derby, and to the famous Eclipse.

At first, the two lines of Furioso and North Star were kept separate but, towards the end of the 19th century, the progeny started to be crossbred and eventually the Furioso characteristics became more prominent than those of North Star. The Furioso now bears little resemblance to its Nonius roots. Not the Furioso is bred at Apajpuszta in Hungary and also widely across Ventral Europe. The Furioso is a versatile riding horse, more refined than its relative the Nonius, and is capable of competing in all major disciplines. They were also used for light farm work, at which they excelled due to their innate toughness, although now the focus is more on producing riding horses. They are strong and tough, and have a calm but energetic temperament.

In appearance, the Furioso has a correctly proportioned head which is quite refined and has more of a Thoroughbred look than that of the Nonius. The neck is in proportion to the body and is muscular with a prolific mane. They are often described as having basic workmanlike conformation which is a debt to the Nonius. The yare often long through the back, have muscular quarters, strong legs, and hocks that are well let down. They should be wide through the chest and have a sloping shoulder.

Conformational faults that may occur are pigeon toes in front and cow hocks behind. Generally they are bay, chestnut, or black, and stand at approximately 16 hh.


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