By Alda Buresh
Officially the Golden Saddlebred color was infused in the American
Saddlebred Horse Association through a horse by the name of Pat
Cleburne, who was foaled in 1864. In the Palomino Horse Breeders
of America, the first golden Saddlebred registered was Pot O' Gold,
later known as Richardson's Pot O' Gold. This horse was foaled in
1939 and was bred by S.A. Clift of Waxahachie, TX, and registered
with the ASHA as Clift's Pride.
What does one look for in a Golden American Saddlebred? First
and foremost, is conformation. A beautifully shaped, well-proportioned
head is a must. The ears are small, alert, and placed at the top
of the head. The neck is long, and well-arched, with a smooth clean
throatlatch. The eye is bold, bright, and intelligent. Well-sloped
shoulders and sharp withers well above the height of the hips is
characteristic. The croup is long and level with the tail coming
out high, and the hind quarters are well muscled to the hocks. The
back is short and strong. The long legs are straight with long sloping
pasterns that are so necessary for an easy, well cushioned ride.
The shallow, full-sprung rib cage make the barrel of the Saddlebred
more rounded than in other breeds. Height is generally from 15 to
17 hands and weight from 1000 to 1200 pounds.
The complete picture of Golden Saddlebred should be one of refinement,
smoothness and strength. Coloring can vary from cream to copper
and all shades in between. However, the ideal color is that of the
untarnished gold coin. Eyes must be brown or dark. White markings
on the face and legs are allowed, but no spots. Mane and tail should
be white and purity is desirable.
The American Saddlebred is an adaptable horse, and easily trainable.
For many years they have carried the image of being high-strung,
fire-breathing show horses, but just as every person is an individual,
so is every horse. Some temperaments are suitable for the show ring
and some are meant strictly for the trail. Each horse, and rider,
must find the area most suitable for them. The ways that Golden
Saddlebreds can be used are many, there are show horses, pleasure
horses and parade horses (in the show ring or down the street).
They can be used for eventing and choring, all depending on the
individual horse's disposition and conformation.
In the show ring, Golden Saddlebreds are eligible in all
the classes in the Saddle Horse Division of the American Horse Shows
Association and the Golden American Saddlebred Division of PHBA;
five-gaited, three-gaited, fine harness, English and Western pleasure,
parade, western show horse, driving, trail and so on. One can see
the possibilities of teaming a horse with a division are almost
The Golden American Saddlebred is registered with the American
Saddlebred Horse Association.
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