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Fell Quiz

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1. The Fell pony is quite similar to what pony?

  • Pottock

  • Dales

  • Lundy

  • French Saddle Pony

2. The Fell pony is thought to be a descendant of which pony?

  • Arabian

  • Oldenburg

  • Galloway

  • Russian Pony

3. The Fell pony can cover a lot of ground with which gait?

  • Walk

  • Tolt

  • Canter

  • Trot

4. Which of these trademarks would prevent a Fell from being entered into the studbook?

  • Five legs

  • White markings

  • No tail

  • Extra nostril

5. When was the Fell Pony Society Founded?

  • 1912

  • 1986

  • 1823

  • 1932

(highlight the area below with your mouse to see answers)

1. B

2. C

3. D

4. B

5. A

For more information of the Fell pony breed, click here. Or you can just go there to search for the answers to this quiz.


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