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- Horse Terms Beginning With E -

Earnings: how much money a horse (Especially a racehorse or rodeo horse) has won in its lifetime

Ease Up: to slow a horse's stride to prevent undue exertion

Easyboot: a brand name for a vinyl boot that encloses the horse's hoof

Eased: the jockey stops the horse during the race so he can't finish, usually due to an injury or equipment problem

Easily: running or winning without being pressed by the jockey or opposition

Easy Keeper: a horse that is easy to keep; usually one that keeps in a good weight without having to be fed extra supplements or rich feed. Also, a horse that has good hooves and overall good health, making him easy to keep

Ebrillade: to jerk on a horse's rein when it does not turn. Archaic English word; not used today. The thing it describes (jerking on a rein) is not something that good riders do, nor is something that is often done; the actual meaning of the word when it was in use might have been different

Eclampsia: calcium deficiency in a lactating mare. Can cause convulsions and coma associated with hypertension, endema, and/or excess protein in the mare's urine. It usually occurs around two weeks after foaling and is associated with lactation and stress. Decreasing high-protein feeds in the mare's diet in late gestation may help to prevent it in susceptible mares; mares with eclampsia are treated by decreasing the calcium intake two to five weeks before foaling, then adding calcium to the mare's feed after she foals. High-protein, high-calcium diets help mares that are prone to eclampsia

Edema (oedema): abnormal collection of fluids beneath the skin

E.E.E.: Eastern Equine Encephalomyelitis, viral disease of horses affecting the brain

Eel Stripe: a continuous stripe of black or brown hair extending from the horse's neck to its tail. Also known as the dorsal stripe

Egg Bar Shoe: a horseshoe that connects all the way around. Gives lift to the fetlock and provides support for the heel

EIA: Equine Infectious Anemia. A virus that has no known cure and is quite deadly; also known as Swamp Fever. It can be spread by 3 principle means: through blood sucking flies or insects, through in-utero or colostral infection, or careless use of needles or other equipment in contact with open wounds

Eighth Pole: colored post inside the inner rail exactly one-eighth mile back from the finish line

Elk Lip: an over hanging and somewhat floppy upper lip

Ejaculation: emission of semen from the stallion's urethra

Ekka: a small, one-horse carriage

Elbow: joint between the humerus and the radius and ulna, located on the foreleg between the shoulder joint (scaputahumeral) and the knee (carpal joint)

Electrolyte: a water solution of salts used to replace or reinforce the normal salts of the blood

Electrolytes: minerals necessary for many body functions

Elimination: disqualification from placings because of an infraction of a specifically stated rule, such as a fall, going off pattern, etc.; a process of selecting semifinalists from a very large number of riders

Embryo: the early stage of development of the fetus

Endoscope: an instrument using fiberoptics to view the inside of body cavities

Engage: to shift weight to the hindquarters, to work off the hindquarters and stride forward with the hind legs

Engaged hocks: when a horse moves well behind, with a good muscular hind action, with the hind legs well underneath the horse and not trailing out behind the quarters

English: referring to riding with English tack and attire

Ensilage (silage): fodder such as corn or grass preserved by storing without air in a silo

Enterolith: an intestinal stone that can form in the horse's digestive tract. Is formed much in the same way that an oyester forms a pearl; the horse gets a rock, splinter, nail, or piece of some inedible matter in his intestines. Then, to keep that matter from injuring the intestine, the horse's body forms a layer around it, then another, and another; if the stone is not passed out with manure, it will continue to grow larger until it eventually kills the horse. The formation of enteroliths can also be affected by many other things, such as diet, exercise, and genetic predisposition. Stones may be triangular or circular, and can range in size from smaller than a marble to as large as a basketball. Eventually they will cause colic, and they will need to be removed surgically

Entire: a stallion; a horse which has not been castrated

Entry: two or more horses owned by the same stable or (in some cases) trained by the same trainer and running as a single betting unit

Eohippus: also called Hyracotherium. A small, dog-sized, multi-toed ancestor of the horse that lived 55 million years ago during the Eocene Epoch

Equestrian: of or pertaining to horseman or horsemanship; a rider

Equestrienne: female rider or performer

Equidae: the scientific name for the family to which horses and their relatives belong. Asses, donkeys, zebras, mules, ponies, and horses are all a part of this family

Equine Encephalomyelitis: a viral disease causing inflammation of the brain and spinal cord

Equine Influenza: a viral disease affecting the respiratory tract of the horse

Equine Viral Arteritis: a viral disease of the horse, usually mild but often causing abortion in the mare

Equine: the family of Equidae, horses, asses, and zebras

Equitation: the art of horseback riding

Equivorous: a thing or person who consumes horse flesh. This term is rarely used by horse people and is found more in general texts

Equus: the Latin word for horse

Ergot: the small horny growth present at the back of the fetlock joint

Estrapade: the action of a horse, when, to get rid of his rider, he rears, plunges, and kicks furiously

Estrogen: female hormone. Estrogen is found in large quantities in green grass and tends to increase the fertility of mares

Estrus: "Heat," reproductive period when mare will accept stallion. Cycle lasts 19 to 26 days., the average being 21 days

Evasion: avoidance of an aid; for example, a horse that overflexes or gets "behind the bit" to keep from accepting contact with the bit

E.V.A.: Equine viral arthritis

Evenly: neither gaining nor losing position or distance during a race

Eventing: a competition held over a period of one or three days and including cross-country jumping, stadium jumping, and dressage

Ewe-necked: a conformational defect; a neck that has over-developed muscle on the underside and a dipped outline on the top side

Extended: forced to run at top speed

Extension: when the horse lengthens its frame and stride

Extention: faster, longer strides in any gait while maintaining the original rhythm.. The outline of the horse should appear to lengthen. with the head and neck stretching forward. The stride should have more impulsion

Extensor Tendons: tendons located at the front of a limb

Extensor: muscle responsible for opening the angle of a joint

Extravagant Action: high knee and hock action seen mainly in the Hackney ponies and Saddlebred breeds

Eyes: the horse has the largest eye of any land mammal. Horses can see some color, but it is no known exactly what colors they see. A horse's vision is blurrier than our own, and they have evolved to be able to spot movement, rather than clear shapes. The horse's eyes are more mobile than those of humans; a horse turn can each eye independantly, looking in two directions at once

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