Laceration: a cut
Lactation: milk production
Lameness: unevenness in the horses stride when
moving Laminae: alternative
"leaves" of flesh and hoof horn that bond the wall of the hoof to the
underlying bone Laminitis:
founder, inflammation of the sensitive laminae, or plates of vascular
tissue, of the wall of the horse's hoof
Larvae: insects or parasites that have hatched
from eggs but are not yet mature. For example, maggots
Lasix: see furosemide
Lateral Movements: work in which the horse moves
with the forehand and haunches on different tracks. Shoulder-in, haunches-in
(travers), haunches-out (renvers), and half-passes are the lateral movements
Lateral (1): a sideways movement. Also, lateral
aids, such as outside rein and outside leg
Lateral (2): in anatomy, away from the midline as
opposed to toward the midline
Latigo: cinch strap on a Western saddle
Lead Pad: saddle pad with pockets to hold lead
weights; inserted to bring jockey up to assigned weight
Lead Pony: horse on which outrider or pony person
escorts Thoroughbreds onto track and to starting gate
Lead Rope: a rope usually having a snap on one
end, used to lead or tie a horse
Lead Shank: a webbing or leather strap with short length of chain and
a snap, used to lead a horse
Lead: a specific footfall pattern at the canter or lope in which the
inside legs of the circle reach farther forward than the outside legs. When
working to the right on the right lead, the horse's right foreleg and right
hind leg reach farther forward than the left legs. If a horse is loping in a
circle to the right on the left lead, he is said to be on the wrong lead or
is counter-cantering Leg Up:
to help a rider up on a horse Leg
Yielding: exercises designed to teach the horse to move away from leg
pressure Legging Up:
conditioning a horse's muscle tone by gradually increasing his work
Legume: a class of plants that manufacture their
own nitrogen while growing; alfalfa and clover are the most common
Length: length of a horse from nose to tail, about
8 feet Leptospirosis: an
infectious disease caused by various leptospira bacteria affecting most
warm-blooded species Let Down:
stopping training, usually done gradually; when milk begins to flow from the
mare Ligaments: strong,
fibrous bands connecting bone to bone
Limited: type of class with entry restrictions for
the horse and/ or the rider, related to prior winnings at specified shows.
May be based on number of blue ribbons (usually six) or monetary earnings
Line: the strap leading from the bit to the
driver's hands in a driving harness
Liniment: a liquid applied externally to increase
circulation to a part of the body
Liver Chestnut (n. and adj.): a very dark red chestnut color, with
mane, tail, and legs the same color as the body or flaxen
Live Weight: a jockey's weight
Light-Boned: when the measurement of bone below the
knee is too small in comparison to the size of the horse, which is a
conformational fault Loaded Shoulder: when a horse has
excessive muscle development over the shoulder, which can restrict movement
Lock: an apparent "sure thing," used to describe a
horse's chance of winning
the lower part of the back, behind the saddle and in front of the quarters;
the kidney area just behind the saddle
Long Trot: an extended jog or trot. Or in the
gaited equine, a slang used to refer to the gait of a horse that is being
pushed or over ridden in the fox trot. A horse that is long trotting will
have some fly time on the front end, but may not have fly time on the back
end. A long trotting horse will have at least three feet off the ground part
of the time, and will not give as smooth a ride as a horse that is
foxtrotting correctly
Longe: to work a horse in a circle usually on a
30-foot line around you at various gaits
Loose Rein: a slack rein
Lope: a three-beat gait: (1) an initiating hind
leg; (2) a diagonal pair including the leading hind leg and the diagonal
foreleg; and (3) the leading foreleg. Also, to canter slowly
Tail: a tail that sits low on the quarters, which can often be
indicative of weak and sloping quarters
Lug (in or out): action of a tiring horse, bearing
in or out, failing to keep a straight course
Lugging In: used to describe a horse which is
pulling strongly to the inside while running
Lymph Node: gland in the body that filters the
Lymph: a usually clear fluid similar to blood
serum; it may be free in the tissues of the body, in lymph vessels, or part
of the blood
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