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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design

Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook (Howell Reference Books)

Horsekeeping on a Small Acreage: Designing and Managing Your Equine Facilities

You Know You Have a Dressage Rider's Tack Room When...

1. You own dozens of snaffle bits and they're all exactly alike.
2. You have so many snaffle bridles that students look disgusted when you say, "Go get the snaffle bridle."
3. You own every style of bootjack but still need help getting your boots off.
4. You own every size, shape, and color spurs come in.
5. You own the gallon size container of horse treats.
6. Your last jumping saddle is getting dusty.
7. You own lots of dressage and lunging whips.
8. You let everyone borrow anything except your favorite dressage saddle.
9. You own every size, shape, and color dressage saddle pads come in.
10. Your favorite girth is the one from the saddleseat catalog.
11. You own every style of gel pad available.
12. Your favorite gloves are falling apart but you can't bear the thought of throwing them out.
13. You found a mouse nest at the bottom of the pile of unrolled polo wraps.
14. Your favorite trophy is the plaster cast of your seat from the custom saddle maker.
15. You favorite blue ribbon is from that show that no longer exists

Contributed by Beth Collier

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From www.equerry.com


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