A friend gives you a horse... You build a small shelter...$750 You fence in a paddock...$450
Purchase small truck to haul hay...$12,000 Purchase a 2 horse trailer...$2,800 Purchase
2nd horse...$2,500 Build larger shelter with storage...$2,000 More fencing...$1,200
Purchase 3rd horse...$3,000 Purchase 4 horse trailer...$17,500 Purchase larger truck...$23,000
Purchase 4 acres next door...$38,000 More fencing...$2,000 Build small barn...$18,000
Purchase camper for truck...$9,000 Purchase tractor...$23,000 Purchase 4th & 5th horse...$6,500
Purchase 20 acres...$285,000 Build house...$185,000 Build barn...$56,000 More fencing
& corrals...$24,000 Build covered arena...$182,000 Purchase Dually...$44,000 Purchase
gooseneck w/living quarters...$45,000 Purchase 6th, 7th & 8th horse...$10,750 Hire full
time trainer...$50,000 Build house for trainer...$84,000 Buy motor home for shows...$125,000
Hire attorney -- spouse leaving you for trainer...$35,000 Declare bankruptcy, spouse gets
everything. Friend feels sorry for you...gives you a horse.....
Submitted by Tracy
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