Objective: learn to turn horse effectively, increase knowledge of
horse terminology, create a better position in the saddle
- Learn to halter a horse
- Learn to lead a horse
- Groom horse
- Tack up English
- Learn to mount - how to and how NOT to
- Stretches/mounted exercises - touch tail and bridle, windmill the arms, reach for the sky,
touch toes, etc.
- Walk around arena
- Do simple turns: circles around me, weave through cones
- Set up slalom of poles to go through - set it up as a "V" to go through
- Learn to stand in saddle, how to balance over the body without holding onto the saddle
- Start, stop, and back up at each letter on the rail
- Learn terms: saddle, stirrups, girth, bridle, bit, reins, seat, aids, helmet, arena
- "Backpedal" on horse to discover balance (have student "pedal" their legs backwards while walking
as if they were pedaling a bicycle backwards - this improves balance)
- Touch horse's tail, ears, and student's own toes without moving lower leg from stable position
- Stand and sit in saddle at the halt, then at the walk
- Steer over ground poles, looking ahead and not down
- Weave through cones
- Walk horse on rail to finish
- Dismount/untack horse/put horse away
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