Equine Kingdom website

Pickup Cones

PickUp Cones

What you'll need

  • 5 or more orange marker cones (available for about $3 per set of 4 at Walmart)
  • Arena fence


  • Place the cones at intervals around the arena fence at the top. If you have a fence with posts sticking out the top, this is easy - just sit the cones on top and they'll stay there.



Rider rides around the arena and collects all the cones, and either gives them back to the instructor or drops them on a target somewhere.


  • Collect every other cone until all are collected
  • Pick up a cone, then drop it on the target, repeat until all cones are collected
  • Ride a serpentine - collect a cone on one side, go across the arena and get one from the opposite side, etc.
  • Dismount, collect cone, and remount at each cone (if rider is tall enough to mount alone)

Added Benefits:

This game teaches the rider to maneuver the horse around where they want it to be, because sometimes the cones are at different intervals or distances from the fence, so it's impossible to just reach over and grab one from the same spot every time. Riders will have to back up, circle, stop, turn, move over, and stretch to get the cones. Good listening exercise for the horse, and confidence-builder in a child. Also increases security in the saddle because of different positions achieved while collecting cones.


Thanks to Catherine and Angel for being willing participants!



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