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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design

Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook (Howell Reference Books)

Horsekeeping on a Small Acreage: Designing and Managing Your Equine Facilities

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Sally A. Nolte, Owner, Designer, Webmaster

Equine Kingdom is a vast resource for horse-related topics ranging from techniques for training your horse and yourself, to information on hundreds of breeds, to vast lists of names to bestow upon your beloved animal. It is also a venue for my students to get updates on activities and to find pictures and videos of themselves as they progress through the wonderful world of equestrian sports. I am Sally A. Nolte, progenitor, owner, and head instructor of Equine Kingdom. Aside from the most important qualification of an absolute love of horses, my "official" accomplishments include certificates from the American Riding Instructors Association Certified, 11 years horseback riding & competition and 4 years as an independent instructor (as of 2009), and two Associate's degrees - one in Business Administration and another in Logistics. Welcome, and thanks for stopping by.

Webmaster: Sally A. Nolte
 EquineKingdom.com  2007-2023
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