Equine Kingdom website

Birthday Party March 2008 - Joseph

Dandy and Prissy waiting to be used in the birthday party

Birthday boy, Joseph, and his mom and Diane, the photographer.

Adri & Maggie pretending to be horses

Jeanne getting the jitters out of Rocky

Joseph staying busy!

Learning how to groom a horse

Laura riding Rocky

Kendall Riding Prissy

Joseph being silly, and Christian grooming Dandy

Birthday boy riding Prissy

Christian riding Rocky

Benjamin riding Rocky

Handlers and riders!

Maggie, Dandy, Adri, Leslie

Silly kiddos

family and kids

birthday kids eating cake

Horse gifts, of course.

more birthday presents

the Sugar Race!

Quick, get all the sugar in the bowls!

The Horse Show - lining up on the fence

Trotting and cantering!

High Jump from Laura!

Everybody having fun with the jumps

Fun is done for the day! Happy Birthday Joseph!

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