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Flintrock Farm Show 11/8/2008

Leslie showing Dublin

Gracie showing Prissy in her first showmanship class

Taylor & Prissy, English Horse at Halter

Sydney, gorgeous as ever!

Carlie on Prissy

Lauren/Prissy, Sydney/Dublin -both of them looking where they're going!

Lauren in lineup with Prissy

Gracie on Prissy in her first walk/trot class

Leslie and Adri, strutting their stuff!!!

Pretty Adriana and Prissy

Beautiful Leslie with Dublin!

Elizabeth on Dublin

Taylor on Prissy
Lauren on Dublin

Carlie lookin good on Prissy!

Caught Sydney by surprise!

Grace & Elizabeth Waiting their turns in the pattern class

Madison in her first class!

Emma accepting her first ribbon!

Sarah showing Prissy in her first class

Sadly, these are the only decent shots of Kendall's first halter class - what a good job!

Sarah - very proud of her ribbon!!

Kendall - placed 3rd in her first ever halter class!

Kendall showing Dublin for the first time, and Sarah in her first show!

I love the happy-go-lucky smile on Kaitlyn's face!!

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