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- Altai Quiz -

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1. True or False: The Altai breed was developed over a long period of time.

  1. True

  2. False

  3. Neither

  4. That's a matter of opinion

2. Altai Horses were developed and raised in what sort of environment?

  1. Desert

  2. Swamp

  3. Mountains

  4. Ocean/beach

3. What is the term used in conjunction with the crossing of the Altai with the Lithuanian, Russian, and Soviet Heavy Draught horses, made after the revolution?

  1. "In Utero"

  2. "In Stalles"

  3. "In Purity"

  4. "In Russia"

4. How many different colors are allowed for this breed??

  1. Three

  2. Five

  3. Seven

  4. Nine

5. What is a common defect in the breeding of the Altai horses?

  1. Bowed Hocks

  2. Sloping Pasterns

  3. Neither A nor B

  4. Both A and B

(highlight the area below with your mouse to see answers)

1. A

2. C


4. B

5. D

For more information of the Altai Horse breed, click here. Or you can just go there to search for the answers to this quiz.

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