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How to Think Like A Horse: The Essential Handbook for Understanding Why Horses Do What They Do

Horse Stable and Riding Arena Design

Horse Owner's Veterinary Handbook (Howell Reference Books)

Horsekeeping on a Small Acreage: Designing and Managing Your Equine Facilities

- A Novel Idea -

If you've found your way onto this page, you must have an idea in mind for me to write about. Below I list what I'm interested in writing about, and you can also read some samples of my writing to get a feel for how I write. You can even buy my books! What I'm looking for in a novel idea:
  • Basic idea has to have something to do with horses, college life, karate, or high school life. Main characters must be teenage girls.
  • Intriguing plot with good follow-up and maybe a subplot.
  • Exciting climax!
  • Can be a mystery, but you have to provide the idea for me, as I create lousy mysteries.
  • If you send me an idea that I like, I'll post it on my website and ask people to vote on the ideas. Whichever gets the most votes for me to write about, that's the one I'll write next.
  • I would really really appreciate any and all responses, except offensive ones. If you have a vulgar idea in mind for me to write about, don't bother. I won't use it.
  • If I use your idea to write a book, your name will be mentioned in the book.
  • I'm trying out new ideas for books to earn money from publishing them for college and a car.
  • Your idea should include the character of the characters (ha ha), the main plot, a subplot (not necessarily necessary), a climax, and a good idea. I stress the last point. If you present a good idea, I can probably expound on it to conform to my own standards, so you don't need to all but write the book for me. Just a tip. :^)
Review the books I've written and let me know, of the ideas I've posted, which novel I should finish writing, or if I should start a whole new novel (and what I should write it about, if you care to comment). Click here to view these choices.
Webmaster: Sally A. Nolte
 EquineKingdom.com  2007-2023
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