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- Novels by Yours Truly -

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I, Sally A. Nolte, have authored three or four novels, only two of which are good enough to post on this website. They are, of course, about horses. Both are fiction, and both part of the same series, Spruce Ridge Stables. It is a continuing story about two girls and their horses and...well, I won't spoil it all for you. Check out the options down below!

Novel #1: Spruce Ridge Stables #1, Starting Over. For a brief review of the first book in this incredible series, click here. It won't ruin the ending, I promise. To read the first couple of chapters to see if you like my writing, click here. To write to me and tell me what you think so far, or to order the book for $10.00 (which includes shipping and handling), click here. If you want a more in-depth synopsis of this book, click here (I still refuse to ruin the ending).

Novel #2: Spruce Ridge Stables #2, Unexpected Trouble. Oooh. Intriguing title, isn't it? You'll be hooked once you read the first book anyway, so you'll feel like you just have to have this one. For a brief review of Unexpected Trouble, click here. Again, for a more in-depth look that doesn't reveal the end or the climax, click here. To read the first couple of exciting chapters, click here. To order the book or let me know what you think, click here.

Vote on the novel you think I should write next! E-mail me and let me know which of the following choices you think I should finish writing (if I've started it already but haven't finished) or should write next!

  Novel #3: Spruce Ridge Stables #3, Down Under*. For a review, click here.

  Novel #4: New Life. For a chapter by chapter review, click here (it might kind of take the fun out of the whole thing if I give you all the chapters, so I'll take the last couple out.

  Novel #5: Meadowwood Stables. To read the beginning of this book, which I started a number of years ago, click here. It's not all that wonderful, but it might make a good kid's book.

  Novel #6: Tell It Like It Is. To read the first couple of chapters, click here. This book is more reality than fantasy. As the title suggests, it portrays life the way it really is for a teenage girl.

  Novel #7: You tell me what you'd like me to write! Help me out with A Novel Idea


 *I'm taking a break from writing Spruce Ridge Stables for now, and I'm trying to come up with some more ideas for a different book and/or book series. I'd appreciate any ideas you'd like to send to me.

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